Course Content
Module 4 – Computational Thinking
Module 5 – Data Literacy
[ENG] Digital Citizenship and Computational Thinking – Curriculum Team
About Lesson

1.2.2 Different Type Of Computers
The different types of computers are depending on size and capacity, We have four different computer types classified according to their performance, power, and size

  1. Supercomputer
  2. Mainframe 
  3. Minicomputer 
  4. Microcomputer 
  • Desktop 
  • Laptop
  • Palmtop 
  • Smartphone Supercomputer


Supercomputers are the most expensive computers and the fastest in the world. The huge computers are used to solve very complex science and engineering problems like processing information to predict hurricanes, satellite images, Navigation, and process military war scenarios. The supercomputer consists of thousands of processors and very high speeds measured.

   Mainframe Computer 

These are large and expensive computers that are capable of supporting thousands of users simultaneously. They are mostly used by governments, businesses and large organizations for bulk data processing, critical applications, and transaction processing. They are ranked below supercomputers. Minicomputers 

In terms of size and power, they are ranked below mainframes. A minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously. They are used by businesses and governments for multiprocess systems. Microcomputers

A microcomputer also known as a personal computer, is designed to be used by one user at a time. The Microcomputer is small and the least expensive. These computers are widely used in schools, homes, companies, etc.

The common type of microcomputers are​ like those below


  • Desktop A desktop computer is a computer with a computer case, a keyboard, a mouse, and display devices like a monitor, projector, or television that fits on or under a desk and stays at one location.

  • Laptop is a small computer with boasting processing power, memory, and storage capacity that is designed to be easily carried. 

  • Palmtop is a smaller computer, lightweight with a sufficient battery life that is fitted with your hand and easier to carry somewhere. 

  • Tablet is​​ a mobile device that typically has a touchscreen interface and it’s smaller than a notebook computer but larger than a smartphone. 

  • Smartphone is a mobile phone that has many functions that are similar to a computer.​We could be touched on screen​ what we would like and the easiest to put in the pocket.