How has the Internet changed the world?
The internet is a collection of useful applications that have changed our lives in an amazingly short time. The influence of the internet has made our daily lives much easier and changed society such as:
1. Communication (ការប្រាស្រ័យទាក់ទងគ្នា)
The Internet has changed the style, speed, and quality of interpersonal communication. With internet, people easily communicate with each other faster than ever. We can call and connect to people around the world by using the internet. Moreover, before the internet was invented, people send messages by using a post mailbox and it take around a few weeks to reach that person, but later on, we only spend around a 1-second sending messages or mail to that person.
2. Education (ផ្នែកអប់រំ)
The Internet helps a lot in the education field and it changes how students learn nowadays and the way teachers teach such as online learning, researching and exploring new knowledge on the internet, group discussion or group meetings through online tools and no need to meet face to face and also they can find a lot of e-books and other resources through the internet.
3. Working (ផ្នែកការងារ)
The Internet makes it easier for you to find a job, both locally and internationally, recruiting employee without spending too much time searching everywhere as you used to and able to search for information about jobs or companies on the internet and seeking for advice on how to write the resume or job interview, etc. Nevertheless, it helps to speed up your work and save more time.
4. Daily Activity (កិច្ចការប្រចាំថ្ងៃ)
You can use the internet for sending money, payment, online food ordering, etc, especially when you want to do something or create something new that you never knew or experienced it before, you can just search for it on the internet faster and easier.
5. Privacy and Security (ឯកជនភាព និង សុវត្ថិភាព)
In the past, when we wanted to send a message to someone, it may have been less private and secure because there might be have a third person cheating and taking our mail or message but later on, we can send a message through the internet that can maintain our privacy and more secure.